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A healthy pet needs a healthy mouth.

Dental disease in dogs and cats is very common, and very dangerous. Left untreated, it can lead to major problems like heart disease and kidney failure. Regular dental care is critical to your pet’s health and at Stone Creek Veterinary Hospitals we provide preventive care and full dental services.


There’s nothing quite like coming home to a warm greeting from your furry family member. A wagging tail or a rub against the legs is often a prelude to up-close and personal time where you can observe first-hand what your pet’s breath is like. If you’re wondering why this is desirable, then here’s a statistic that may surprise you. Once pets reach the age of 3, more than 70% will have some form of oral disease. If left undetected, this potentially painful condition can lead to even more serious health consequences. Infections can be spread via a tooth root into the bloodstream, eventually leading to major organ damage.


Thankfully, there are steps that can be taken to ensure your pet is protected. Before we explore them, here are some of the warning signs that could indicate your pet is experiencing an oral issue:

  • Difficulty eating

  • Soreness around the oral cavity

  • Odor coming from the mouth

  • Unusual drooling

  • Trouble swallowing


If your pet is displaying any of these symptoms, please bring him or her in right away. The sooner a pet dental issue is treated, the better—for your pet’s comfort and overall health.


Each time your pet has a wellness exam, our veterinarians will carefully inspect his or her teeth, gums, and oral cavity. These exams should take place annually until the age of 7, when pets become seniors and begin having semi-annual check-ups. If your pet’s mouth is healthy, then we will discuss preventive measures you can take to keep it that way—from brushing your pet’s teeth to special dental chews and treats. We are pleased to offer several of these products in-house for your convenience. If there is an accumulation of plaque and tartar, or signs of gingivitis, then a professional pet teeth cleaning may be in order. Our skilled veterinary staff will provide this service with the utmost care.


In order to perform a dental cleaning, your pet will have to be placed under anesthesia. We have extensive safety measures in place—the same ones we use when performing veterinary surgery—to protect your pet throughout the procedure. We are equipped with only the highest quality pet dental equipment. While your pet is anesthetized, our veterinarians will use digital dental X-ray technology to detect any additional oral issues that may be present below the gum line. Should a diseased tooth or root be diagnosed, then more advanced veterinary care will be provided. If your pet is especially prone to oral disease, whether it’s due to aging, genetics, or other health reasons, our veterinarians may recommend dental supplements or a special dental prescription diet. We will work with you to ensure that your pet receives the individualized care necessary to achieve optimal oral health.





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